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Bilangan Iklan:


​​To Conduct and Facilitate Training Program On Competency Assessment

Tarikh dan Masa Ditutup:

2:00PM, 14/08/2024

Maklumat Perhubungan:

Unit Pembangunan Kapabiliti (HRD), Bahagian Perkhidmatan Korporat, Tingkat 3 (Right Wing), Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri


  1. Dibukakan kepada Syarikat-Syarikat atau Vendor yang mempunyai Sijil Perniagaan yang sah

  2. Borang tawaran yang telah diisikan dengan lengkap hendaklah dimasukkan kedalam sampul surat yang ditutup rapi (sealed) serta ditandakan bilangan/rujukan tawaran, tajuk tawaran dan catatan tarikh tutup tawaran ini dengan jelas di sebelah kanan atas sampul surat tanpa menunjukkan identiti atau logo syarikat.
    Semua tawaran hendaklah dimasukkan kedalam

    Peti Kotak Sebutharga
    Di Kaunter Bahagian Penyambut Tetamu
    Aras Bawah Bangunan Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri
    Jalan James Pearce, Bandar Seri Begawan, BS8610
    Negara Brunei Darussalam

  3. Setiap borang tawaran hendaklah diisikan dengan lengkap dan mana-mana pembetulan hendaklah ditandatangani.

  4. Tarikh tutup tawaran ialah pada Hari Rabu, 14 Ogos 2024, jam 2.00 petang. Mana-mana tawaran yang lewat diterima pada tarikh dan masa yang telah ditetapkan atau tawaran yang tidak lengkap, tidak akan dilayan. Setiap tawaran harga adalah sah bagi tempoh enam (6) bulan dari tarikh peti sebutharga ditutup.

  5. Pembayaran tawaran sebanyak $5.00 [Lima Ringgit Sahaja] hendaklah dibuat sebelum mengambil borang-borang tawaran sebutharga. Pembayaran bolehlah dibuat di Kaunter Pembayaran Hasil dan Kutipan, Mini Galleri, Aras Bawah (Left Wing), Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri.

  6. Dokumen-dokumen tawaran hendaklah diperolehi di Unit Pembangunan Kapabiliti (HRD), Bahagian Perkhidmatan Korporat, Tingkat 3 (Right Wing), Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri semasa hari-hari bekerja (Isnin - Khamis dan Sabtu), jam 8.30 pagi hingga 11.30 pagi dan 2.00 petang hingga 3.30 petang.

  7. Penender adalah bertanggungjawab bagi memastikan Sijil Pendaftaran mash sah laku sebelum membuat pembelian dokumen tawaran.​

  8. Penender hendaklah menyertakan Salinan Sijil Pendaftaran 16 dan 17 yang menyertakan butir-butir perniagaan, bilangan pendaftaran dan negeri asal kad pengenalan atau passport semua pemilik syarikat serta Salinan Resit Pembayaran. Kegagalan dalam menyediakannya boleh menyebabkan tawaran yang dihadapkan tidak sah dan tidak dinilai.

  9. Kerajaan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam melalui Kementerian Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri tidak terikat untuk menerima sebarang tawaran yang paling rendah atau sebarang tawaran yang tidak munasabah.


Number of Quotation:KHEDN/23/1.1/3-2024
Title Quotation:To Conduct And Facilitate Training Program On Competency Assessment
Open Date:Thursday, 1 August 2024
Closing Date:Wednesday, 14 August 2024 (2:00 pm)
Place to submit the Quotation:Quotation Box,
At The Receptionist Counter,
Ministry of Home Affairs Building,
Jalan James Pearce,
Bandar Seri Begawan, BS8610,
Negara Brunei Darussalam
Quotation Validity Period:Six (6) months
Supply Period:8 months starting August 2024 until February 2025
Registration Fee:BND 5.00 (Non-refundable)


  1. ​​​Tenderers are invited from companies and suppliers registered with the government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan Of Brunei Darussalam.

  2. Tenderers must pay the participation fee $5.00 (Five dollar) must be made before taking the quotation forms at the Kaunter Pembayaran Hasil dan Kutipan, Mini Galleri, Lobby (Left Wing), Ministry Of Home Affairs Building, Working hours; Monday to Thursday (Morning - From 8.00 am until 11.00 am and Afternoon - from 2.00 pm until 3.00 pm) and Saturday (Morning - From 8.00 am until 10.00 am).

  3. Tenderers must use the original form issued To Conduct And Facilitate Training Program On Competency Assessment​ printing by Ministry of Home Affairs and can be obtained at the Unit Pembangunan Kapabiliti (HRD), Bahagian Perkhidmatan Korporat, Level 3, (Right Wing), Ministry Of Home Affairs Building, Working hours; Monday to Thursday and Saturday (Morning - From 8:30 am until 11:30 am and Afternoon - From 2.00 pm - 3:30 pm).

  4. The Tenderer's Declaration Form must be filled out completely stating that the participating company has no interest or family relationship in other companies participating in the same bid and listing the names of local employees working in the participating company.

  5. The Quotation Form must be accompanied by a valid copy of the Business Registration Certificate 16 & 17 / Form X which lists the details of the business such as the name, registration number and state of origin, identity card or passport number of the owner. Sdn Bhd registered companies are required to present a Certificate of Tax Compliance (COTC).

  6. Each Quotation form that is completed and accompanied by the necessary documents must be put in a tightly sealed envelope and clearly written stating the Title &stamp; Number of Quotations and the closing date of the Quotation without attaching any identification or identity of the Company.

  7. The Quotation form must be returned and put in the QUOTATION BOX, AT THE RECEPTIONIST COUNTER, LOBBY, MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS and address to : -


  8. Any Quotation Form received after the specified date and time will not be entertained.

  9. Any price change by using a correction pen will not be accepted. The price change is by cutting out the incorrect numbers and writing the correct numbers on it and signing and affixing the company's stamp.

  10. The successful company must comply with every rule, agreement that has been agreed including the supply period and all the information contained in the quotation form filled in by the company concerned.

  11. The Ministry of Home Affairs reserves the right to cancel or suspend quotations.

  12. For any questions you can contact through email of Unit Pembangunan Kapabiliti (HRD), Ministry Of Home Affairs, at the address email of;
WARNING - Tenderers who reject or cancel the offer or contract after the approval of the offer or contract has been obtained or after closing the offer will be fined in accordance with the rules and guidelines in the Financial Regulations, 2022. The Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam will not necessarily accept the lowest offers or any offer that is considered unreasonable. When accepting the tender, the Government may accept the WHOLE or any PART(S) of the Tender.
Version: 1.0
Created at 1/08/2024 9:40 PG by Nusratina binti Haji Md Daud
Last modified at 1/08/2024 9:40 PG by Nusratina binti Haji Md Daud
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